Random Project Generator

About RPG

Use this app to help design your first coding project. This app will generate hypothetical users, a list of free APIs, an inspirational quote, and a workspace for your thoughts. Let's go!

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You "worked" hard on these! Click a button to show them off!

Meet the Hey Yas!

Eliot's Profile Image

Eliot Cleveland


Foster's Profile Image

Anis-Foster Flowers


Brennan's Profile Image

Brennan Vlahcevic


Liliana's Profile Image

Liliana Stevens


Yvonne's Profile Image

Yvonne Batcheller


These are the APIs working behind the scenes on this amazing app!

Public APIs

A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development

Our Story

In the summer of 2022, a ragtag group of young developers had an idea that would change the course of Coding Boot Camps everywhere. We grappled with what our first group project should be about.

What real world problem could we solve with our novice coding skills? As we struggled to come up with an idea, we realized the problem we needed to solve was right in front of us the whole time.

On that day, we knew exactly what we needed to do. We created an app that helps you design your very own project in a snap!

Gone are the days of endless group discussion. With this app, you won't have to worry about that anymore!


"Sometimes the hardest part is just getting started"

"Embrace the joy of Collaboration!"

"Don't panic, just google it!"

- The Hey-Yas, with ❤